Easter Sunday Christian Backgrounds
The gift of Easter is Hope, and Easter Sunday is the epic conclusion to earth’s gladdest day and saddest day which are just three days apart. Get ready for your Easter Service with our Easter Sunday Christian backgrounds, motion backgrounds, mini-movies, and countdowns designed for your Easter presentations including, Easter Sunday Services and Easter sunrise services.

Palm Sunday Easter Backgrounds
On Palm Sunday we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem, which was one week before his resurrection. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the end of the work Jesus did on the earth. At ImageVine we have a creative collection of Palm Sunday Backgrounds, as well as a great motions background collection with backgrounds, titles and countdowns, to help lead your congregation to worship on this Palm Sunday.

Good Friday Easter Backgrounds
For believers Good Friday is one of the most critical events in the life of Jesus. It seems odd to call it Good Friday when it commemorates one of the darkest, bleakest events of the suffering and death of Jesus. On Good Friday we remember what Jesus sacrificed for us, that we may have life with Him, for without Good Friday there would be no Easter Sunday. On Good Friday wrath and mercy met at the cross. If your looking for Good Friday Backgrounds to help emphasise this important day please see our Good Friday Backgrounds, Motions and Mini-Movies.

Free Christian Easter Backgrounds
We at ImageVine believe you will love our products, this is why we have provided a collection of free Easter Backgrounds and free Easter images. These free Christian Easter backgrounds can be used during your Easter presentations or as Easter PowerPoint backgrounds. All Christian Easter images are available in HD (1920x1080) in jpeg format.
Christian Easter Backgrounds
Inspire your congregation this Easter with our Easter backgrounds, motion backgrounds, countdowns and mini-movies designed for your Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday Service. Below are a few of our more popular Christmas Eve Backgrounds collections
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