Christian Christmas Backgrounds
Over the last 10 years, ImageVine has created the best collection of Christian Christmas Backgrounds.Our beautiful Christmas Backgrounds combine professional photography with a superior design to give you powerful Christian Christmas images for worship Christmas presentations. All our Christian Christmas backgrounds are sized and color-corrected specifically for digital church projectors so they are ready for use instantly in your Christmas Eve service, candle light service or other Christmas presentations or event.
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Christmas Mini Movies
Portray the reason for the season with a creative Christmas mini movies. Christ-centered Christmas church videos that will help you convey the real meaning of Christmas to your church congregation during your worship service or sermon presentation. Use one of the many invite Christmas mini movies to encourage your congregation to bring their friends and family to your Christmas Eve Service. All our professional Christmas mini movies are available in SD or HD sizes for PC and Mac.
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Christmas Motion Backgrounds
We have a versatile and quality collection of Christmas motion backgrounds which are seamlessly loopable for your Christmas presentation or Christmas Eve Service. ImageVine’s selection of professionally produced Christmas motion backgrounds are ideal for any Christmas service. All Christmas motion backgrounds are optimized for use with worship software like EasyWorship or ProPresenter. The Christmas motions are supplied in SD and HD sizes, for iOS and Windows.
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Christian Christmas Media
You’ll love the great selection of Christian Christmas Media we have at ImageVine. We have a large selection of Christian based Christmas Backgrounds and Christian Christmas Images for use in EasyWorship, ProPresenter and PowerPoint. We are continually adding new Christmas mini movies and church videos to our website to help you promote your Christmas message during the holiday season. ImageVine also provides a creative selection of Christmas Motion Backgrounds to make your Christmas Eve Service memorable. Thinking of following Advent this year, be sure you check our page on Advent. On this page you will find a number of free Christmas backgrounds, some of the free Christian Christmas images have meaningful Christmas quotes. We guarantee you will love our products if your not satisfied please check out our “Money Back Guarantee”.

Free Christmas Backgrounds
We at ImageVine believe you will love our products, this is why we have provided a collection of free Christmas Backgrounds and Free Christmas images. These free Christian Christmas backgrounds can be used in your Christmas presentations or as Christmas PowerPoint backgrounds. All Christian Christmas images are available in HD (1920x1080) in jpeg format. The free Christmas backgrounds include the nativity, Christmas candle light, Christmas nature images, Christmas trees and Christmas Lights.
Thanks for the large variety of Christmas images
"I just want to share how wonderful and easy to use the Christian Christmas images are. There are only a few that I cannot just type the words (in black or white fonts) over the picture and the words are readable. That is a huge time saver in PowerPoint. I am impressed with the variety or the christian Christmas backgrounds and images, the costs are reasonable. Also, thanks for the large variety of Easter and Christmas images, The Advent images were also wonderful and perfect for those of us who are in liturgical denominations."
Karen, Lord of Life Lutheran, Memphis, TN more testimonies...
Christmas is a wonderful time where we spend time with friends and family, it can also be a very busy time with all the activities, shopping and social events. Take time to enjoy the family moments and find ways to reduce the hustle and bustle of Christmas, one of the places we recommend to simplify your Christmas shopping is unique christmas gifts, its a great place to find great gifts without having to go into the over crowded stores.